WAO Education Foundation





Many scholarship opportunities are available to seniors through the Ed Foundation

applications. The Foundation makes selections for and administers the following

scholarships: Albert R. Chruszch Memorial Scholarships, Alvarado Lions Club

Scholarships, Beverly & David Duckstad Memorial Scholarship, Bob Mattson and Dave

Schroeder Scholarship, Chris Riopelle Memorial Scholarship, CliPord and Richard Adrian

Memorial Scholarship, Curt & Fay Kuznia Family Endowment Scholarship Fund, Daniel &

Henrietta Myszkowski Scholarships, David Judovsky Family Farm Scholarship, David J.

Haugen Ag/Mechanics Memorial Scholarship, Dennis & Louise Brekke Family Endowment

Fund, Don & Shirley Mager STEM Scholarships, Edwin C. Johnson Memorial Scholarship,

Elizabeth A. Porter Memorial Scholarship, Eric Johnson Memorial Scholarship, Fern Gilbert

Memorial Scholarship, Gary Schuler Endowment Scholarships, Greg M. Haugen Memorial

Scholarships, Janice Johnston Memorial Scholarship, Jeanne E. Kotrba Memorial

Scholarships, JeP Evin Memorial Scholarship, Jim & Joyce Boardson Memorial

Scholarships, Jim Johnston Football Scholarship, John & LaVerne (Storbakken) Messelt

Educational Scholarship, Justin “Huggie” Haugtvedt Memorial Scholarships, Louie &

Gertrude Kuznia Memorial Scholarship, Lowell B. Goplin Scholarship, Lyle H. Engelstad

Scholarships, Merrill & Mildred Stroble Memorial Scholarships, Morris & Ivy Maruska

Memorial Scholarship, Muriel Maruska/Roley Memorial Scholarship, Myron & Margaret

Carlson Scholarship, Noble & Dorothy Storbakken Memorial Educational Scholarship, O.J.

Peyton Memorial Scholarship, Orland & Jacquelyn Ranstrom Scholarship, Oslo Alumni

Association Scholarship, Paula Laudal Memorial Scholarships, Percy & Fern Gilbert

Scholarship, Percy Gilbert Memorial Scholarship, Rachel Peterson Honorary Scholarship,

Richard P. Nelson Memorial Scholarship, Robert L. Strandberg Memorial Scholarships, Ron

& Eleanor Wallenberg Memorial Scholarship, Scott E. Forbes Memorial Scholarship, Stefan

Johnson Memorial Scholarship, Tracy Chruszch Memorial Scholarships, Vivian Olson

Scholarship, WAO Education Foundation Scholarships, WHS Class of 1953 Scholarship,

WHS Class of 1957 Scholarship, WHS Class of 1959 & Lyle Anderson Scholarship, WHS

Class of 1969 Scholarships, Warren Volunteer Ambulance Corp Scholarship, Wayne

Wrolson Scholarships, and William G. Porter Memorial Scholarship.

Applications were distributed to the WAO Seniors on March 17th and are due on

Wednesday, April 23rd

.Anyone wishing to establish a scholarship may contact the Education Foundation at

edfoundation@wao.k12.mn.us or by calling 218-745-4646, extension 1317.