Logo Refresh Information:
Symbol examples:

To further build #WAOponypride and continue the work associated with the district’s 2021 – 2026 Strategic Plan and the stakeholder public relations survey results, Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Public Schools is excited to announce that after 30+ years, the WAO Ponies are getting a new look!
The School Board and administration are working with a professional graphic designer to produce a refreshed logo for Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Public Schools. What is a logo refresh? It keeps the foundational elements of the district’s identity (colors, mascot, and symbol), but gives the logo a professional makeover, creating visual unity between schools, programs, teams, and facilities. Thus:
We will not be changing the school colors - black, white, and orange will remain.
We will not be changing the mascot - we will remain the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Ponies.
We will not be choosing a new symbol to represent the Ponies – the refreshed logo design will retain one of the three most recognizable symbols currently in use – a pony, a horseshoe, or a combination of both.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are we changing our mascot?
No, we will remain the Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Ponies.
Are we changing our school colors?
No, black, white, and orange will remain our school colors.
Will any elements of the current logos be included in the refreshed design?
Yes! We are calling this a logo refresh, rather than a new logo, because we want to maintain elements currently found in the various logos associated with WAO. Our mascot and colors will remain the same, and the primary subject of the refreshed design will continue to be either a pony, a horseshoe, or a combination of both. We are committed to selecting a design that captures our history and mission, maintains our values, and exemplifies pride for Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Public Schools.
Why does the logo need to be refreshed?
The logo needs a refresh to address image quality, consistency, ownership rights, and construction needs.
Warren-Alvarado-Oslo Public Schools has historically been represented by the original black and white clipart pony, but what was adequate in the early 1990s is no longer so in 2025 and its low-resolution quality is not conducive for today’s large-scale production on high-quality materials. There have also been numerous variations of a pony and horseshoe over the past three decades, making it difficult to maintain consistency and ownership of these variations, as well as establish parameters for their use.
Further, the community is investing millions of dollars to upgrade the district’s facilities. As part of these upgrades, the district has an opportunity to incorporate school spirit and visual pride in signage, furnishings, and surfaces. Utilizing a professional package of images, colors, and text will ensure that such additions to our school environment are positive, unified, and timeless.
Are students and staff included in the process?
Yes. Using an online form, students (gr. 4 - 12), staff, and parents/guardians will indicate their preference for a pony, a horseshoe, or a combination of both to be included in the refreshed logo and represent the district moving forward.
Who will decide which symbol - pony, horseshoe, or a combination - to use in the refreshed logo?
Ultimately, it will be at the discretion of the School Board to select the symbol to use within the refreshed design and approve and adopt the final design. The feedback submitted by students, staff, and parents/guardians will be shared with them for consideration prior to making a final decision in April.
How much will it cost to refresh the logo?
There is a small cost for the professional services needed to complete the refresh design, but additional expenses to rebrand the district are not expected.
Will all items with the old logo variations be immediately replaced and updated to include the refreshed logo?
No. Items featuring the current pony and/or other image variations – such as signage, uniforms, fan gear, and equipment – will be updated gradually to align with the district’s current replacement schedules.
The district already budgets for such replacements in our annual budget, which will allow us to naturally incorporate the refreshed logo package in a cost-effective manner.
When will the refreshed design be completed?
We expect to have the design completed in mid-April, at which time the School Board will officially adopt it. Once the refreshed logo package is unveiled to students and staff, it will be shared with the community.
When will the district begin to use the refreshed design?
The current logo variations will be in use through June 30, 2025. The new visuals will launch on July 1, 2025, at which point the past variations will be considered retired and the new visuals used exclusively and in accordance with a yet-to-be-published brand style guide.
Is refreshing the logo an effort supported by the district’s current strategic plan?
Yes! A strategic plan is an organization’s roadmap to achieve its mission and associated goals. One goal of the district’s 2021 – 2026 Strategic Plan is to brand, market, and represent Warren- Alvarado-Oslo Public Schools in a positive way. Launching a professional, dynamic, and refreshed logo package for the 2025 - 2026 school year will visually represent us in a positive way to the current WAO community, as well as prospective employees and families.